“In recent days, the National Service of Inspection and Certification of Seeds (SNICS, per its acronym in Spanish) has extended an attentive invitation to all breeders of plant varieties related to Roses to register their varieties in the National Catalogue of Plant Varieties (CNVV, per its acronym in Spanish). This registration is a first step to a later access to the Seed Certification program.
In such program, at the request of the breeders, the SNICS makes a visit to the seed propagation facilities to verify that these comply with the seeds verification rules in roses affairs (to be soon issued), and once all the requirements have been duly complied with, the “Certified Seed” label can be issued, which shows that the propagation material meets the requirements of germination, purity, etc.. This certification protects both, the producer of the plant variety and the buyer, to assure that the seed acquired complies with high quality standards.
Considering the impact that the obtention of such certification has, it is highly recommended to start with the CNVV registration process.
We are at your service for any clarification on the procedure of registration the CNVV and the costs thereof.”